MCPS Adjusts Calendar in Preparation for In-Person Return March 15

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will officially begin the phased return of students to in-person instruction on March 15 and, in preparation, will be making schedule adjustments for the week prior.

According to MCPS, the following instructional calendar has been set for the week of March 8:

  1. Monday, March 8: No virtual or in-person classes for students.
  2. Tuesday, March 9 and Wednesday, March 10: Students will participate in self-paced (asynchronous) learning.
  3. Thursday, March 11: Luxmanor ES, Maryvale ES, Potomac ES, Carl Sandburg Learning Center, Rock Terrace School, Tilden MS, and Seneca Valley HS will have an additional asynchronous learning day.
  4. Friday, March 12: Early release day.

Students in specific special education, and career and technical education programs who returned to buildings on March 1, will continue with the normal learning schedule on Tuesday through Thursday.

For more information on “Reimagine, Reopen, Recover,” MCPS’ official plan for the return to safe in-person learning, a 56-page Spring 2021 Recovery of Education Guide has been created with full details on what students and families can expect in the transition to a new learning environment.

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