MCPS Announces 2-Hour Delay for Thursday

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) announced that a Code Yellow is in effect for Thursday meaning schools and offices will open two hours late.

According the school district website, “Out of an abundance of caution, all MCPS schools and offices will operate on a Code Yellow two-hour delay on Thursday, Feb. 6. The National Weather Service (NOAA) is forecasting sleet and ice accumulation overnight Wednesday into Thursday morning, creating hazardous travel conditions across much of Montgomery County.”

At this time, the following schedule adjustments are in place:

  • Schools and offices will open two hours late.
  • Emergency personnel report on time and follow guidelines for delayed openings.
  • Morning bus routes will operate on a two-hour delay.
  • All field trips and activities that begin at 10:30 AM or earlier are canceled, including programs at Thomas Edison High School of Technology.
  • Infant and Toddler appointments scheduled before 10:00 AM are canceled; appointments scheduled at 10:00 AM or later will continue as planned.
  • Morning PreK/Head Start and AM PreK Special Education programs are canceled.
  • Afternoon PreK/Head Start and PM PreK Special Education programs will begin at their regular time.
  • Schools will dismiss at their normal time.
  • Before school programs and childcare are canceled – and after-school childcare programs may operate as scheduled; families should check with their provider.

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