MCPS, County Expedite Upgrade of Network Bandwidth Capacity to Meet New Demands

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and Montgomery County have upgraded the county’s infrastructure in order to meet the network bandwidth needs of students engaged in both in-person and virtual learning.

According to a recent press release, much of the county relied on its fiber lines, which enable communication service delivery for all county agencies. The planned upgrade of the fiber lines was initially scheduled to take place this summer. However, MCPS and the County expedited the schedule by working on the network capacity upgrades in March 2021, completing the upgrades in 11 days.

“This partnership has provided far better internet service to our schools, classrooms and community,” said Pete Cevenini, MCPS Associate Superintendent of Technology and Innovation.

The upgrades have provided schools more than 10 times the bandwidth they had previously and has allowed the district to meet future technological demands of internet connectivity and bandwidth.

”Our partnership with MCPS and our teams’ willingness and ability to ‘go the extra mile’ to make this happen in record time is a testament to our mutual commitment to our students, teachers, and staff,” said Montgomery County Chief Information Officer and Director of Technology Services Gail Roper.


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