MCPS Monitoring School Restrooms; Making Sure Exterior Doors are Open

Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) restrooms are being checked and monitored more often, according to a Feb. 13 message addressed to students, staff and families.

“Our restrooms must be safe places for students and cannot be places where activities that violate our code of conduct, such as drug and tobacco use, occur,” it states in the message.

The restroom issue currently is being examined. Meanwhile, they are being monitored more closely throughout the day. Also, latches are being installed on exterior restroom doors in the secondary schools “to ensure doors remain open,” according to the memo.

Access to bathrooms may be limited at times including before and after school and during lunch and transition periods.

“These measures, along with additional support from the Department of Systemwide Safety and Emergency, are being implemented to enhance the level of security students feel. Schools will continue to keep this as a priority,” it states in the memo.

MCPS is working on security in response to recent incidents of drug overdoses and fights. In January of 2022, a 10th grade student was shot in the bathroom at Magruder High School by a fellow student.


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