Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) released the two finalists for the SMOB (Student Member of the Board of Education) during a nominating convention Wednesday. The convention advanced the top two candidates to the general election in Montgomery County schools on April 19, 2023.
The finalists are both juniors:
Mr. Sami Saeed is a student at Richard Montgomery High School. Saeed holds the position of president of the high school’s SGA (Student Government Association) and is a member of the SMOB Advisory Council and the Montgomery County Commission on Youth and Children. He works as a writer for several student newspapers such as The Tide and The MoCo Student.
Mr. Yoseph Zerihun is a student at Springbrook High School. Zerihun is involved in several extracurriculars. He is the captain of his high school’s debate, varsity golf, and baseball teams. He is a member of the SGA as an executive language coordinator where he works as a translator of materials.
From a list of 12 candidates, Saeed and Zerihan now move forward. The two will go head-to-head by campaigning for the position of the 46th SMOB of Montgomery County. The position will vote on school budgets, collective bargaining, and school openings and closings. The SMOB cannot vote to encourage negative personnel actions.
For more information regarding the election process, candidate profiles, and general schedule, refer to the MCPS SMOB website.
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