MCPS Releases 2022-2023 Statistics on Demographics, Graduation and Retention Rates

More than 34% of the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) students are Hispanic, 24% are White, 22% are Black or African American and 14% are Asians, according to data released Tuesday on the 2022-2023 school year.

160,554 students attend the district’s 206 schools. Those students speak a total of 162 languages. 26% of middle schoolers participate in at least one extracurricular activity; 46% of the high schoolers do.

In the previous school year, MCPS’ graduation rate was 90.3% with Asian students graduating at a rate of 97% and Hispanics at 80% The district, with an operating budget of $3.16 billion, has 24,907 employees. Close to 14% of teachers left MCPS, which is fewer than the 21.7% who left during the previous school year.

Kindergarten literacy rates increased 24%, from 48% to 72%. Twelve new math coaches were hired this school year, and 22 schools were added to the expanded enriched literacy curriculum in elementary schools, for a total of 63 schools.

MCPS now has six wellness centers in six high schools and 117 mindfulness rooms and spaces.

School buses traveled 102,000 miles daily, and a total of 16.4 million meals were provided.

The annual report also included highlights of the 2022-2023 school year, including the Antiracist System action plan and Pathway to College, Career and Community Readiness.

MCPS is implementing an improved school profiles dashboard in three phases. The data released Tuesday is the first phase.

Phase 2 is expected to included safety, security and special education profiles beginning in the spring of 2024. The last phase, which is expected to debut in the fall of 2024, will include updates to academic milestones.

“These tools were developed to meet the requests of our community for more information in easy-to-understand ways, and we believe they will make a significant impact in providing transparency and insights into our progress,” said Stephanie Sheron, Chief of Strategic Initiatives.

This school year’s theme is All Together Now, according to a joint letter from School Board President Karla Silvestre and Superintendent

“This collaborative approach has yielded much to celebrate, including significant gains in early literacy at the elementary level and continued progress toward college, career and community readiness throughout their experience in the district,” the school officials wrote.

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