MCPS Schools, Offices Closed on Monday

MCPS will be in Code Red Monday. MCPS schools, administrative offices will be closed and community activities are canceled due to dangerous weather conditions.

Watch Superintendent Taylor’s “Snow Day” announcement video:

Emergency personnel are expected to report on time.

All activities, field trips, and programs in schools and on school grounds are canceled, including athletic practices and events.

Childcare programs and community use activities are canceled.

Decisions concerning Tuesday will be made when more information is available per MCPS.

Virtual Learning is not available for this closure.

“We are calling a snow day now based on forecasts of imminent snowfall that could impact safety and transportation, giving families and staff valuable time to prepare. Doing so prioritizes the safety of students, bus drivers, and the entire community, helping to avoid travel on potentially hazardous roads. We know that families need to arrange childcare, adjust work plans, and manage other responsibilities” MCPS said in a statement.

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