MCPS Shares New Interactive Tool for Districtwide Boundary Analysis

Montgomery County Public School officials say the second phase of the Districtwide Boundary Analysis will focus on engagement with a new Interactive Boundary Explorer tool.

The tool will offer a more in-depth look at MCPS school boundaries and was designed to provide a comprehensive assessment by analyzing various data points.

The interactive tool will be shared during two public webinars – on Tuesday, Oct. 20, and Thursday, Oct. 22. Both webinars will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. A virtual community meeting will also be held from 7 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 28. All meetings will be held via Zoom and will require advance registration. Click here to register.

An interim report released in March highlighted key aspects of the data analysis, including diversity and proximity. According to an MCPS press release, the report also includes boundary benchmarking data from other school districts and a community engagement summary.

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