Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is organizing for the first time its Youth Climate Summit for high school students on March 5 at 8:30 a.m. at the Universities at Shady Grove in Rockville.
The summit program was developed after MCPS recognized increased student interest in climate action, according to the school system.
The Summit will conclude with participants being mentored through the process of writing a climate action plan—a project outline they can implement in their school or community.
At the Youth Climate Summit, students can:
- Hear the latest research-based, climate change science information and learn the economic and ecological consequences of climate change.
- Learn strategies to respond and adapt to climate change in Montgomery County and in the process save their schools and communities money.
- Develop a Climate Action Plan to bring back to their school and community.
- Benefit through increased knowledge and development of leadership skills.
- Network with schools across the County to learn about successful climate action.
MCPS students who complete the Summit and related activities will be eligible for Student Service Learning hours.
Complete the interest form to participate here.
More information about the summit is available at https://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/YouthClimateSummit/.
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