Meet the Fellows

Aisha Sowe (she/her)

Aisha Sowe is a current Digital Storytelling Fellow for MCM’s BIPOC & LGBTQIA+ fellowship. Her goal for this fellowship is to highlight social issues and racial injustice within Montgomery County’s BIPOC community and bring more awareness to these stories. She previously graduated from the University of Maryland College Park with a bachelor’s degree in communication. Some of Aisha’s work can be found at Montgomery College’s The Globe and Around the Grove.

Watch Aisha’s Testimonial Below:

Andrea Durán (she/her)

Andrea Durán is from Mexico City, fully bilingual, and has lived in Montgomery County from a young age. She is passionate about reporting in-depth stories that bring awareness to issues affecting minority communities. She has a Bachelor of Science in Mass Communication from Towson University. Andrea is currently a master’s student studying investigative journalism, specializing in multimedia and print, at Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland and is looking forward utilizing her skills to do minority digital media reporting within the Hispanic and LGBTQIA+ communities.

Watch Andrea’s Testimonial Below:

Marianeli De Leon (she/her)

Marianeli De Leon is a first-generation Guatemalan American who aspires to bring change through digital media! She graduated with her Masters in Journalism from Philip Merrill College of Journalism in the Spring of 2023. During her time there, she discovered a passion for social media content creation and mixed it with her investigative track! MCM will help her use social media and other digital storytelling as a tool to spread her work to a wider audience and amplify the voices of the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ communities! Marianeli looks forward to sharing her work and learning more with MCM!

Watch Marianeli‘s Testimonial Below:

Interested in the fellowship? Apply here