Metro Announces Expansion of Parking Payment Options

Metro customers will no longer have to search for spare coins to pay for parking.

The additions of new centralized pay stations and ParkMobile at all of Metro’s Kiss & Ride lots, hourly lots and on-street parking are expanding customer’s payment options, according to a Friday press release from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA).

Customers will now be able to pay with ParkMobile on their phones or use credit cards at pay stations. This initiative provides Metro customers with more flexibility.

“It can be frustrating to park at a meter and realize you don’t have enough change but that’s not a problem anymore,” Metro General Manager and Chief Executive Officer Randy Clarke said in the press release. “We’ve gotten rid of the meters and modernized our parking to make your trip on Metro as easy and convenient as possible.”

Metro began to phase out parking meters last year when the ParkMobile app increased in usage.

To use ParkMobile, customers must download the ParkMobile app on their phones. Find more information about how to use the app here.

Feature photo courtesy of Metro.

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