Metro Transit Police is increasing the visibility of its officers in stations and incorporating more frequent patrols throughout the system, officials announced Wednesday.
In an effort to enhance safety, riders will see special police officers walking in trains and buses “to provide a sense of security and address illegal activity in real time,” WMATA announced.
In 2023, Metro increased patrols by 70% through partnerships with local law enforcement and special police officers.
According to Metro, enforcement increased 300% overall with new faregates in multiple locations. There has been a 4% decrease in crime as rail ridership on Metrorail increased 24% year to date, and bus ridership is up 15%.
“As ridership increases, we want customers to see our officers and feel confident that we’re doing our part to keep them safe,” said Metro Transit Police Chief Michael Anzallo. “We hope customers will interact with the special police officers during their patrols and develop a rapport that promotes positive community connections.”
Metro also has more than 30,000 cameras on buses, trains and in stations.
Other safety enhancements include brighter lighting in stations, courtesy stops during late night hours on buses so riders can get off closer to their destination and improved signage.
Metro is increasing police patrols on trains and buses and utilizing over 30,000 cameras systemwide to provide peace of mind for our customers and respond to incidents in real-time. Learn more about what we’re doing to keep you safe: #wmata
— Metro Forward (@wmata) February 22, 2024
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