Metro: Partial Weekend Shutdown on Red Line, Rockville Bus Stops Returning to Original Locations

Metro announced the tracks between the Grosvenor and Medical Center stations will be shut down for repairs Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 12-13. Free shuttle buses will run between the two stations.

In other Red line news, the bus stops at the Rockville Metro Station that were relocated during the Rockville canopy replacement project will move back to their original locations according to a statement from Montgomery County Department of Transportation.

On Feb. 13, the bus stops temporarily located at the west side of the station will move back to the west entrance of the station. Metrobus routes Q1, Q2, Q4, Q5 and Q6 and Montgomery County RideOn routes will relocate to their original bus stop locations. 

Temporary wooden bus shelters used during the construction will also move to the original bus stops. Permanent shelters will be installed in late spring or early summer.

The west side Kiss & Ride will reopen on Feb. 21.

The county reminds riders that face coverings are required when traveling by public transportation. All county buses have a supply of face coverings for riders who need one.

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