Metro Transit Police Cracks Down on Fare Evasion

Metro Transit Police officers started issuing fare evasion citations Tuesday at stations throughout the Metrorail system.

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) launched an awareness campaign regarding fare enforcement in October, warning riders that they could be subject to citations and fines for not paying train or bus fares starting Nov. 1.

Police officers can cite Metro riders for “jumping fare gates, improperly using emergency gates, or not tapping fare boxes on Metrobuses,” according to a WMATA press release.

Fare evaders in Maryland and Virginia can be fined up to $100. Fines issued for fare evasion in Washington D.C. are $50.

Fare evasion accounts for notable losses in revenue. The emphasis on reducing fare evasion comes as WMATA faces a shortfall of over $180 million in its upcoming budget, according to the press release.

Additionally, WMATA plans to test out modified fare gates that are designed to prohibit fare evasion. The modified fare gates will be tested at a select station.

Related post:

Metro Begins Campaign to Stop Fare Evaders

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