Metro Welcomes Back Riders to Shady Grove, Rockville Stations

Metro has reopened Shady Grove and Rockville stations following a four-month shutdown for the Rockville Canopy Replacement Project.

We look forward to welcoming customers back to Rockville and Shady Grove stations this week. While station closures cause inconvenience at the time, the work is a sign of our commitment to infrastructure and maintenance improvements to ensure safety and reliability for our customers,” said Metro General Manager/CEO Paul J. Wiedefeld on a press release. “Metro’s capital improvement program continues to advance projects that  ensure a state of good repair for regional transit infrastructure.” 


According to Metro, customers at Rockville Station will benefit from several user experience improvements on the station’s platform including brighter, more efficient LED lightsupgraded speakers and new digital passenger information screensAt Shady Grove Station, the platform canopy, roof and escalators have been repaired. Both stations will also receive new, upgraded faregates to make accessing transit easier as part of Metro’s system-wide initiative to modernize fare equipment to be faster and more reliable. 

At both stations, customers will experience new, modernized faregates with larger displays and enhanced safety features.

For photos of the renovated stations, check out Metro’s photo gallery.

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