Montana Resident Tests Positive for Coronavirus While Visiting Anne Arundel County

Gov. Larry Hogan announced Wednesday afternoon that a Montana resident who visited Anne Arundel County tested positive for the coronavirus.

The patient is being classified as a Montana coronavirus case, Hogan said. As of Wednesday, there are nine total coronavirus cases in Maryland, five of which are in Montgomery County.

Hogan said the Montana woman, who is in her seventies, was alerted that she had been in close contact with a coronavirus patient, so she went to an Anne Arundel County hospital for testing. The hospital ”took all necessary precautions to protect staff and patients,” Hogan said.

“Once we became aware of this case, we acted swiftly to coordinate with officials both here in Anne Arundel County and in Montana,” Hogan said in a statement. “I continue to urge Marylanders to stay informed, and follow the guidance we have issued. We want to emphasize that if you are concerned about symptoms, please call your healthcare provider. We will continue to share information as it becomes available.”

On Wednesday, the World Health Organization declared that the coronavirus outbreak is a global pandemic. Maryland and Anne Arundel health officials are working with Montana health officials on this investigation.

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