Montgomery College to Host Apprenticeship Job Fair

Montgomery College, Maryland Department of Labor and WorkSource Montgomery are partnering to host a job fair on Wednesday, Nov. 15 at the Rockville campus.  The fair will provide information to registered attendees about the various apprenticeship programs in the area.

The event runs from noon to 2 p.m. in the student services center building on the Rockville campus, according to the fair’s flyer

Parking is available in student parking sections indicated with white lines and is free. Those interested in attending the fair should pre-register online here.

Prior to Wednesday’s fair, an information session will be held on Monday for employers who are interested in learning how to hire students. This session will provide insights into the benefits of hiring apprentices and the process involved. The session takes place at the Theater Arts building, room TA156 of the Montgomery College Rockville Campus. Employers should register here.

Previous webinars and postings are available on MC’s website, as well as ongoing recruitment. 

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