Montgomery County Accepting Virtual Tributes For Veterans Day

The Montgomery County Commission on Veterans Affairs is collecting virtual tributes for veterans who live or are from Montgomery County. The commission is planning to share these tributes on their website for Veterans Day, which is Wednesday, Nov. 11.

Anyone can submit a tribute for the virtual event, and should e-mail  and provide the following information:

  • Servicemember or Veteran’s name
  • Your name (if submitting on behalf of a servicemember or Veteran) and your relationship to the individual
  • Their branch of service and rank
  • Their years of service
  • Which era they served (WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf War, Global War on Terror, or Peacetime/Other)
  • A brief narrative of their service
  • Connection to Montgomery County, Maryland (where you currently live, where you grew up, what high school or college/university you attended, etc.)
  • Photo(s) (preferably one during their service and one present-day)

For more information, click here.

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