Women of all ages can enroll in an introductory self-defense seminar hosted by the Montgomery County Commission for Women. The self-defense awareness and familiarization exchange event, also known as S.A.F.E., takes place over zoom for a fee of $10. The class focuses on reducing safety risks and physical defense.
The seminar also teaches Rape, Aggression, and Defense (R.A.D.) techniques led by instructor Holly Solano, a certified self-defense teacher. There will be five sessions from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Oct. 13th, Oct. 28th, Nov. 23rd, Dec. 7th, and Dec. 16th.
The classes are for women of all fitness levels and are only for women, men’s classes are not offered currently. Girls from the age of 13 to 17 are welcome to join with the company of a female guardian.
Registration for the event can be found here. Any questions or concerns can be directed to oyin.thompson@montgomerycountymd.gov.
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