Montgomery County Commission on Aging Gives Facts on Hearing Loss

The Montgomery County Commission on Aging (CoA) released a facts sheet for those in the county who could be experiencing age-related hearing loss.

The facts include information on causes, preventions, costs and treatments for older individuals with mild to severe hearing loss, according to a Montgomery County press release. The CoA warns that individuals who rely on lip-reading and struggle to hear with mask mandates may also be experiencing hearing loss without realizing it, which could potentially lead to feelings of loneliness, social isolation and other health concerns.

The facts sheet includes data from a report published in the Journal of American Medical Association which attributed hearing loss to greater risks of dementia, depression, falling and hospital visits. In some cases, it can come on suddenly or the loss may be gradual over time.

Symptoms of hearing loss include:

  • Having trouble hearing while on the phone
  • Struggles with hearing conversations when two or more people are talking
  • Often asking people to repeat what they are saying
  • The need to turn the TV volume up to a level that makes others complain
  • Finding background noise troublesome
  • Hearing others speaking as mumbling

The facts sheet also warns that hearing loss could be caused by loud noise, changes to the ear, certain health conditions or medications, aging or it could be hereditary.

For more information on hearing loss or getting help, visit the CoA’s website or read through the facts sheet.

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