Montgomery County COVID-19 Cases and Community Transmission Rate on the Rise

Montgomery County has seen an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases since early July and may reinstate the indoor mask mandate.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Montgomery County leads the state with nearly 80% of its population vaccinated with at least 1 dose. While other areas of the country with fewer vaccinated residents are seeing significant increases in hospitalizations and deaths, so far Montgomery County is experiencing small increases in hospitalizations and deaths since early July.

Montgomery County averaged 6.8 new cases of COVID-19 per 100,000 residents Monday, according to the data from the county’s COVID-19 information portal. This is up from 0.9 new cases per 100,000 residents reported July 1.

There were 66 new cases of COVID-19 in the county on Monday, bringing the cumulative total to 71,342. The county has added 500 new cases of COVID-19 since last Monday, July 26.

Tuesday, July 27, the CDC updated their mask guidance due to the increase in community transmission happening in many areas of the country. The CDC is tracking community transmission based on the number of new cases per 100,000 persons in the past 7 days. Low transmission is defined as a range of 0-9.99, moderate as 10-49.99, substantial as 50-99.99, and high as over 100.

So far Montgomery County has remained in the moderate range for community transmission but looks to be headed to the substantial range. County Executive Marc Elrich recommended the county reinstate the COVID-19 indoor mask mandate if the county experiences substantial transmission. The County Council has scheduled a special session Thursday, Aug. 5 to vote on the new mandate.

Most recent CDC data shows that the county reported 488 new cases over seven days as of Sunday, at a rate of 46.45 cases per 100,000 over that period. The CDC says this is a moderate level of community transmission.



Montgomery County officials continue to urge residents to get vaccinated against the virus. Vaccinations are currently available to anyone 12 years of age and older. More information about COVID-19 vaccines is available online at the COVID-19 information portal.


Previous posts:

County May Restore Indoor Mask Mandate Per New CDC Recommendation  


Elrich Sets Benchmark for Reinstating Indoor Mask Mandate 

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