Montgomery County COVID-19 Daily Update

Montgomery County established a number of public health criteria with associated goals to guide the reopening of businesses and services. The county updates the information daily on their COVID-19 Data Dashboard. The criteria are grouped into three categories including the number of cases and deaths, hospital capacity to handle current cases and a surge in cases, and testing capacity.

Tuesday marks the 32nd day of the second phase of reopening businesses and services in the county.  There have been 16,520 confirmed cases of COVID-19 resulting in 736 deaths, based on numbers released by the Maryland Department of Health Monday morning.

Seven of the ten criteria showed improvement since Monday, while only one criteria did not. The three-day average number of emergency room visits increased from five to six.

The three-day average for new cases dropped from 93 to 90, the average number of new deaths remained the same, the three day average for hospitalizations dropped from 86 to 83, the average intensive care unit hospitalizations dropped from 26 to 25,  the hospital acute care utilization went from 70% to 68%, the hospital intensive care utilization dropped from 44 to 42%, and the test positivity remained at 3%. See the summary for both days below.

Montgomery County COVID-19 Dashboard as of Tuesday, July 21 (click on photo to enlarge):

Montgomery County COVID-19 Dashboard as of Monday, July 20 (click on photo to enlarge):

Montgomery County reports daily each goal and whether or not it met the county’s target. Tuesday three were not met. They are the number of new cases, number of deaths, and emergency room visits and are shown in red below.  Six benchmarks were met on Tuesday. They are number of hospitalizations, intensive care hospitalizations, acute care utilization rate, intensive care utilization rate, ventilators in use, and the test positivity rate.

Montgomery County progress report for Tuesday, July 21 (click on photo to enlarge):


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