Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) offer workshops to help those looking for employment. The topics include strategies for job searches, using LinkedIn to identify jobs and attract the attention of recruiters, and guidance to apply for jobs with Montgomery County Government.
Job Search Strategies: The Fall Job Search Strategies Workshops @ MCPL helps job seekers learn strategies to help address challenges faced in today’s competitive job market. Participants will learn how to brand themselves (using social media, the web, volunteer experience) to help accelerate job searches and stand out from the crowd. The workshops are offered in partnership with Washington Career Services, a career management firm, specializing in helping job seekers in all aspects of career development.
Currently offered at Germantown, Silver Spring, and White Oak libraries.
LinkedIn Bootcamp: The Fall LinkedIn Bootcamp Workshops @ MCPL, geared to ages 45 and older, will offer participants guidance on how to use LinkedIn effectively as part of an overall job search strategy to attract the attention of recruiters, position themselves for a new job or career and to connect with others who can assist in their search. Sessions will be facilitated by Dr. Elisse Wright Barnes, JD, PhD, LinkedIn trainer and strategist, and owner of Your LinkedIn Driving Instructor.
Currently offered at Twinbrook library.
How to Apply for Jobs with Montgomery County Government: In collaboration with the County’s Office of Human Resources (OHR), MCPL will offer Applying for Jobs with Montgomery County Govt. Workshops @ MCPL. These workshops will be facilitated by human resources specialists from OHR. The sessions will cover Montgomery County’s job application process, the online application system, and will offer step by step guidance on registering and searching for job opportunities with Montgomery County Government.
Currently offered at Silver Spring library.
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