Montgomery County Ranks Among Healthiest in Maryland and U.S.

Montgomery County remains one of the healthiest counties in Maryland and the nation, according to the 2025 County Health Rankings. The report, released annually by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, evaluates counties based on more than 30 health-related factors.

The rankings highlight Montgomery County’s strong health outcomes, including low rates of premature death and a higher life expectancy than state and national averages. Residents also have lower rates of smoking, obesity and physical inactivity. The county outperforms others in Maryland and the U.S. in health care access, with more primary care physicians, dentists and mental health providers per resident.

County Executive Marc Elrich acknowledged the county’s strong performance but emphasized the need for continued efforts to address health disparities. While the rankings affirm Montgomery County’s status as a healthy place to live, officials recognize the importance of improving access to health resources for all residents.

Montgomery County also excels in key social and economic indicators. The county has higher median income, higher education levels and lower unemployment rates than state and national averages. Residents have high voter turnout and census participation rates. The county also has lower rates of alcohol-impaired driving deaths and uninsured adults.

Dr. Kisha Davis, the county’s health officer, emphasized the importance of equitable health care access. “When we work to eliminate health disparities, we create a stronger, healthier community for all,” she said in a statement.

Montgomery County continues to improve air quality and reduce preventable hospital stays. The county also has a 100% accessibility rate to exercise opportunities, compared to 92% in Maryland and 84% nationwide.

For more details, visit the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps website.


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