Montgomery County Recreation Hosts ‘Kids Day Out’

Montgomery County Recreation will host special programs to keep children active when Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) has scheduled days off. The events called “Kids Day Out”  will offer full-day programming from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Jan. 24 and Feb. 1. as well as half-day programming from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 12, according to a County press release.

Kids Day Out partners with MCPS to provide an out-of-school supervised recreation program. It features interactive activities emphasizing health, physical fitness, imagination, and fun. The half-day programs costs $25 and the full-day programs are $50 for each day.

Here is a full list of the community recreation centers offering the programs:

Middle school programming will also be available at the Mid-County, Plum Gar and Wheaton Community Recreation Centers. Therapeutic Recreation programming will be available at the Leonard D. Jackson Ken Gar Center for the full-day school closures.

“One of our priorities is to ensure that all young people have equitable opportunities and access to safe, affordable recreation programs,” said MCR Division Chief Adriane Clutter in the release. “Kids Day Out is better because of our strong partnership with Montgomery County Public Schools. We will continue working together to grow and enhance the program.”

To register, visit the Active Montgomery website.

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