Montgomery County is under a Hyperthermia Alert from noon-7 p.m. Monday.
A Hyperthermia Alert is issued by the county when temperatures/heat index is forecast to be at least 95 degrees, according to the county. This creates a “hazardous situation in which heat-stroke and heat exhaustion are likely.”
County Emergency Management and Homeland Security cautions residents to stay hydrated and take measures to protect themselves and their pets.
During high heat days, residents should stay inside when possible, drink water and wear sun protection when outside, the county advises. Do not leave pets, children and elderly residents in a parked car because temperatures can climb very quickly. Know the signs of heat exposure and what to do when you have symptoms, like loosen your clothing and drink water.
A Hyperthermia Alert is in effect for Monday 6/28 beginning at noon until 7:00 PM.
🌡️Expect the heat index to be at least 95 degrees.
🥤Stay hydrated. Take precautions to protect yourself & pets from heat-related illnesses
ℹ️ https://t.co/76yOersH0Y pic.twitter.com/IfqA5OmYv3— Montgomery Co OEMHS (@ReadyMontgomery) June 27, 2021
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