Montgomery County Under Hyperthermia Alert Monday 

Montgomery County has issued a Hyperthermia Alert until 7 p.m. Monday.

The alert is sent when temperatures/heat index is forecast to be at least 95 degrees. The county says this creates a “hazardous situation in which heat-stroke and heat exhaustion are likely.” Emergency Management and Homeland Security cautions residents to stay hydrated and take measures to protect themselves and their pets.

See hot weather safety tips and information here.

A Hyperthermia Alert has been issued five days over the past two weeks. Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS) Chief Spokesperson Pete Piringer invites residents to try the MCFRS water challenge: drink one gallon of water in one day.

“[S]tay hydrated, in fact pre-hydrate, hydrate & re-hydrate,” Piringer reminds residents.

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