Montgomery Libraries Now Offer Virtual Storytime

photo of teacher reading picture book to nursery school students

Storytimes are going virtual at MCPL

Montgomery County Public Libraries is now offering virtual events, including the popular storytimes for young children. The libraries are using the web conferencing service, Zoom, to deliver storytimes virtually while most families are staying at home.

Tuesday morning, a family storytime was held at 9 a.m. for young children. Two more family storytimes are scheduled for this week. They are:

Wednesday, March 25 from 11 to 11:30 a.m.
Ages: preschool and kindergarten, elementary school age, babies and toddlers
Registration is limited to 100 participants.

Thursday, March 26 from 11 to 11:30 a.m.
Ages: preschool and kindergarten, elementary school age, babies and toddlers
Registration is limited to 100 participants.

Also on Thursday, for adults, a librarian will meet virtually with up to 15 people to discuss adult fiction and nonfiction book selections. The “What Should I Read Next Based on Books I Like” Zoom meeting takes place Thursday, March 27 at 2 p.m. Learn more and register here.




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