Montgomery Parks Hosts Outdoor Fitness Program for Adults 55+

Montgomery Parks is partnering with Age Well Senior Fitness to provide a free fitness program for adults aged 55 or older every Tuesday from July 11 to August 15 from 9 to 10 a.m. at the Wheaton Regional Park.

The purpose of the program is to promote the health and fitness of older adults while also making the most of the natural environment. Participants will improve balance, muscular strength and flexibility through using the outdoor equipment available at the park, as well as the wide open space and trails.

Age Well Senior Fitness instructors specialize in providing personalized training programs for older adults. Although there can be accommodations for different fitness levels, this specific program is designed for people who do not need any assistive mobility devices, according to Montgomery Parks.

The Wheaton Regional Park is located at 2000 Shorefield Road in Wheaton. The program is free to register and participants are expected to bring their own mats and water. More information can be found here.

Feature photo courtesy of Montgomery Parks.

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