Montgomery Parks announced two free ice shows to celebrate the holidays:
- Cabin John Winter Ice Show: On Saturday, Dec. 14 from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Cabin John Ice Rink on 10610 Westlake Drive
in Rockville. - Wheaton Winter Ice Show: On Sunday, Dec. 29 from 1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. at the Wheaton Ice Arena on 11717 Orebaugh Avenue
in Wheaton.
Montgomery Parks said the figure skaters will leap, twirl and dance to various music.
Who wants to go see a free ice show? We do☝️
Cheer on some talented figure skaters and see all the incredible twists, turns, and leaps at the Cabin John Winter Ice Show or the Wheaton Winter Ice Show.
For more information visit: https://t.co/ekUHYwLdqA pic.twitter.com/ElGDmy7eoh
— Montgomery Parks (@MontgomeryParks) November 29, 2024
Featured Image Courtesy Montgomery Parks
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