Montgomery Parks is seeking public input on its Capital Improvements Program for fiscal years 2025-2030.
Community members have the opportunity to provide their suggestions and feedback online, via mail and at an upcoming public forum.
The public forum will be held on Thursday, Sept. 7 at 7 p.m. at the Wheaton Headquarters of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (2425 Reedie Drive, Wheaton, MD 20902).
The Capital Improvements Program is a six-year funding plan approved by the County Council and Planning Board every two years. The funding goes towards capital projects, including park renovations and development.
According to a Montgomery Parks press release, some priorities for the Capital Improvements Program may include rehabilitating aging facilities at Wheaton Regional Park, constructing a new park in Lyttonsville, providing safer trail intersections and increasing funding for electrification and solar power generation.
Here’s how community members can share their ideas and feedback about these projects and other park improvements to consider for funding:
- Sign up to speak at the public forum here. There will be a limit of 35 speakers.
- Submit written comments by Sept. 11 to Planning Board Chair Artie Harris:
- Via email to mcp-chair@mncppc-mc.org.
- Via fax to 301-495-1320.
- Via mail to Artie Harris, Chair, Montgomery County Planning Board, 2425 Reedie Drive, 14th Floor, Wheaton, Maryland 20902.
- Submit online comments by Sept. 11 via this survey.
Do you have an idea for a new project or renovation to an existing Parks site? Montgomery Parks wants your feedback for the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for 2025-2030. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/hO2UhwGsTA
— Montgomery Parks (@MontgomeryParks) August 8, 2023
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