Montgomery Parks to Host Fun Run at Wheaton Regional to Celebrate Earth Month

In celebration of Earth Month, Montgomery Parks will be hosting the “Restore Our Earth Fun Run and Walk” at Wheaton Regional Park on Saturday, Apr. 24 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

According to Montgomery Parks, “Restore Our Earth is the Worldwide Earth Day Network theme to alert citizens worldwide to the damaging effects of climate change and inspire people to do what they can to help stop these effects.”

The three-mile race starts behind Wheaton Carousel and takes guests through the park and past forests and Pine Lake. The trail will contain various signs that give runners and walkers information on ways to reduce climate change and tips on how to easily implement them within their own homes. Before starting the course, guests will be given a bingo card on which they will mark the spaces for which changes they plan on implementing at home.

Additionally, Montgomery Parks partnered with the Department of Environmental Protection and the Montgomery County Energy Connection to offer a free lightbulb exchange at the event. Guests can bring in their old lightbulbs to swap them for new energy-efficient bulbs.

The event is free and open for registration on the Montgomery Parks Eventbrite webpage.

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