Moore, Leggett Rally Democratic Party Faithful in Silver Spring

Democratic faithful — including several County leaders — from throughout Montgomery County gathered in Silver Spring Monday morning to hear what their gubernatorial candidate has in store for the November election campaign and the future of Maryland.

Wes Moore, a Takoma Park native, praised Montgomery County and Maryland for having great medical and biotechnical institutions, but then talked about how much work needs to be done.

“It should keep us all up at night” that some people living near these cybertech and biotech institutions don’t have access to broadband. People living near the federal, state and local medical institutions cannot get basic care, he said.

Moore’s military service taught him to leave no one behind, and that is what he planned to do if elected governor, Moore said to a packed room in Zinnia’s restaurant in Silver Spring.

While he mentioned education, police and crime, Moore drew the biggest applause when he vowed to improve transportation and congestion, noting that the current plans for I270 “is not the way we are going to do it.”

Former County Executive Ike Leggett introduced Moore, who he has known since their days as White House Fellows. He praised Moore for being a captain in the military and serving in Afghanistan. “That’s a real test of leadership and character,” said Leggett, who served during the Vietnam War.

He called Moore “the right candidate at the right time, because he is prepared to lead.”

“We are going to get behind him, because this part of the state, Montgomery County, is crucial” to his success, said Leggett, who urged everyone to vote and get others to vote.

Many state and county legislators attended the breakfast that was sponsored by the District 18 (Democratic) Breakfast Club.

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