Neighbors Help Neighbors Across the State During COVID-19 Outbreak

During difficult times like these, acts of kindness can help some people overcome fear. Throughout the state of Maryland, Governor Larry Hogan says working together can help residents get through the coronavirus crisis.

“I know that there’s a lot of anxiety out there and a lot of stress. Folks are worried about what lies ahead and how we’re going to get through this. We’re all worried about our family members and our loved ones, about our communities and neighborhoods. But I want everybody in Maryland to know that if we continue to lead, we continue to work together, and if we rely on and help each other, we will get through this crisis,” said Hogan.

Locally, a seven-year-old from Gaithersburg has donated his savings towards care packages and meals for local students and senior citizens. Cavanaugh Bell used $600 of his own money to create “COVID-19 Carepacks”, and buy meals for local seniors in need.

The new Twitter hashtag #MarylandUnites shows how these difficult times are bringing out the best in people throughout the state.

If you are looking for ways to help, click here for volunteer opportunities across Maryland.

Click here for volunteer opportunities in Montgomery County.

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