New Laws In Maryland in 2025

As of Jan. 1, a number of new laws are in effect across Maryland. No new laws went into effect in Montgomery County.

Here are just a few of the new state laws:

Hearing aid coverage-health insurance companies must cover hearing aids for adults. However, spending is limited to $1,400 over a three year period.

Road worker protection-the law expands the use of speed cameras in work zones. It also raises the penalty for speed camera violations.   The fines range from $60 to $500 depending on how fast a driver is going. However, if a worker is present when a driver is speeding, those penalties can double.

Security Guard Licensing –Maryland residents or businesses who hire people to provide security must license those workers as security guards.

Opioid Overdose-hospitals must have the proper medication available to treat an opioid-related overdose or emergency. Hospitals also must refer patients to a community-based treatment center or recommend other professional support before discharging those patients.

Veterans’ Suicide Prevention-The Governor will proclaim September 30 as Maryland Veterans Suicide Prevention Day.

So Every Body Can Move Act-the state’s Medical Assistance Program and some insurers must provide coverage for prostheses to help patients with a limb loss, or mobility issues become more physically active. Some of the prosthetics covered will help patients bike, run, or swim.

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