New School Superintendent Brings Rhyming Flair to the Job

If his work in Stafford County, Va. is any indication of things to come, new Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Superintendent Dr. Thomas Taylor is ready to get into a rhythm in his new job.

While working as the superintendent of Stafford County, Taylor announced an early 2024 snow day with a rap video in the style of Eminem’s “Lose Yourself.”

Taylor, identified in the video as “Supe Snowy” and “Dr. T,” shows a flair for fun in the music video. In an era of “virtual learning” snow days, Taylor announced an “old-fashioned” no-school snow day in the video.

The students of Stafford County clearly enjoyed Taylor’s fun, as the video has been viewed more than 1,400 times.

Taylor will combine this light-heartedness with a passion for Montgomery County; in a June 17 press conference, Taylor revealed that he was educated in the county from kindergarten through the end of high school.

Taylor takes over his new position from interim Superintendent Dr. Monique Felder, who assumed the role after Monifa B. McKnight stepped down amid questions surrounding the county’s handling of allegations against a former principal.

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