Number of New Unemployment Claims Continues to Decline

The number of residents filing for unemployment in Montgomery County continued to decline during the week ending on Aug. 8.

1,452 Montgomery County residents filed initial claims for unemployment during the week ending on Aug. 8, which is a decrease of almost 1,000 from the week ending on Aug. 1.

There were 2,377 initial claims filed during the week ending on Aug. 1 by county residents, according to the Maryland Department of Labor. The prior week, 2,975 residents filed initial claims.

About 46,000 county residents were unemployed in June. The county’s unemployment rate in June was 8.1 percent. The July figures are not available yet.

In Maryland, 13,117 residents filed initial unemployment claims during the week that ended Aug. 8. The previous week, 18,268 Maryland residents filed initial claims.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 1.8 million in July, and the unemployment rate fell to 10.2 percent. Much of the labor gains occurred in leisure and hospitality, government, retail trade and professional and business services.

Number Of Unemployment Claims Filed Continues to Decline

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