‘Operation Green Light’ Will Salute Veterans on Nov. 11

Montgomery County will participate in “Operation Green Light” as part of observing Veterans Day on Saturday, Nov. 11.

“Operation Green Light” is a national program sponsored by the National Association of Counties that looks “to honor those who have made immeasurable sacrifices to preserve freedom,” with displays of green light according to a county press release.

Supported by County Executive Marc Elrich and the County Council, the program asks residents and local businesses to join in the tribute with displays of green lights from Nov. 6-12.

In addition to resident participation, Memorial Plaza in Rockville will be illuminated with green lights.

The County’s Commission on Veterans Affairs is looking for local residents who served in the military to share their stories. The commission is paying tribute to county veterans through its “Tribute to County Veterans” website.

Veterans can share their stories with the county by filling out the commission’s Google form or PDF form.

More information on Montgomery County Veterans Day events can be found here.


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