The Maryland State Department of Education released data Tuesday on school graduation and attendance rates. Overall, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) had an 89.63% graduation rate and a 92.2% attendance rate.
The graduation rates cover public schools in the spring of 2023. Statewide, the average stood at 85.8%.
According to MCPS, its graduation rate decreased by .7% as compared with 2022.
Poolesville High School had the highest graduation rate at 99.4%, followed by Wootton at 98% and Churchill at 97.2%.
However, graduation rates among students who receive Free and Reduced Meals increased by almost 3%, and students who identified as two or more races increased their graduation rate by 2.6%. MCPS students who receive Individualized Education Program (IEP) services had an increased graduation rate of 2.5%, and Black or African American students’ graduation rate increased by .3%. according to MCPS.
Rockville High School’s graduation rate jumped 5.3%.
At six MCPS high schools, the four-year graduation rate increased by 1.0 percentage point or more from the Class of 2022 cohort to the Class of 2023 cohort.
“Despite a marginal .07 percent decline in our districtwide graduation rate, I am pleased to note several very encouraging trends in our data,” said Interim Superintendent Dr. Monique T. Felder.
“We are seeing notable upticks in graduation rates for students of poverty, those receiving special education services, students who are Two or More races, and our Black or African American students,” she wrote in a news release.
To find out about individual schools, go to reportcard.msde.maryland.gov. The lists include other information, including math and languate art scores.
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