Overnight Freeze Warning Issued for Montgomery County

weather alert graphic

The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued a freeze warning for Montgomery County.

The freeze warning is in effect from 1 until 9 a.m. Friday morning. The overnight temperature is expected to drop below 32 degrees. Freeze conditions can potentially kill crops and outdoor plants, as well as damage unprotected outdoor plumbing. Residents are encouraged to wrap and drain outdoor water pipes.

Montgomery County has activated the Extreme Cold Plan for a Hypothermia Alert based on the NWS warning. Residents who spend significant time outside should wear layers to protect themselves from the cold. Warning signs of hypothermia include shivering, exhaustion, confusion, memory loss, slurred speech, and drowsiness. The County’s webpage on Hypothermia has more information.

According to the NWS warning, temperatures will be in the lower 30 degrees overnight.

A Freeze Warning means sub-freezing temperatures are highly likely. These conditions will kill crops and other sensitive vegetation.

Unprotected vegetation is sensitive to freezing temperatures and may be killed or damaged.

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