Owner of Escaped Zebras Found Not Guilty

Jerry Lee Holly, owner of the zebras who had escaped his 100-acre farm in 2021, was found not guilty of animal cruelty Wednesday in Prince George’s County District Court.

Three zebras had escaped his farm in Upper Marlboro and ran free for several months, to the enchantment and discouragement of neighbors and animal lovers.

Judge Llamilet Gutierrezen ruled that the state failed to meet the burden of proof, according to Holly’s attorney, Steven B. Vinick.

“All the witnesses testified very consistently that my client was very good about caring for the animals,” Vinick said. “He was very diligent about caring for them.”

Holly kept a herd of zebras and let them roam freely on his farm that included a lake with water for them to drink, Vinick said.

Three zebras escaped when a tree fell on his fence, collapsing part of it and allowing them to wander off. “He immediately had it repaired,” Vinick said. “He was very caring. He was a very good caretaker.”

Two of the three zebras died while on the lam. One was caught in an illegal trap that was not set by Holly. The other one is believed to have died of a heart attack that could have been caused by news media helicopters that hovered in the area, Vinick said.

Holly no longer owns animals. “He is completely out of the animal business, totally by choice. He is 78,” Vinick said.

Photo courtesy of Vice

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