The Metro Red Line tracks between Rhode Island Ave and Takoma will be shut down for infrastructure improvements and repairs Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 10-11.
Metro will install radio and fiber-optic cables, keeping cellular service connected and enabling two-way communications for Operations and the Metro Transit Police Department. They plan to also renew switches, where trains can move from one track to another, and replace crossties and insulators.
The Brookland-CUA and Fort Totten stations will be closed both days.
Free shuttle buses replace the trains and will run between the stations during the shutdown.
Metro will operate normal rail service in two sections during the shutdown. The sections run between Shady Grove and Rhode Island Ave. and between Takoma and Glenmont.
Metrorail opens at 7 a.m., closes at 1 a.m., Saturday and midnight Sunday. Red Line trains run every 6 minutes (daytime) and 10 minutes (evening).
.@Metrorailinfo🚇#weekend service for Saturday, Feb. 10 through Sunday, Feb. 11, 2024.
⭐️The Brookland-CUA and Fort Totten stations will be closed on the🔴Red Line🔴
⭐️Free shuttle buses🚌replace trains🚇
Detials▶️https://t.co/o0vSPKzieM@TakomaParkMD #montgomerycountymd #wmata pic.twitter.com/STMzoZJujB— MCDOT (@MCDOTNow) February 7, 2024
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