Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS) received smoke alarms donated by Pepco in partnership with Lowes, according to fire and rescue officials.
The donation of 1,000 smoke alarms was dedicated to Fire Chief Scott Goldstein to honor his retirement this June, MCFRS shared on Twitter.
It is an annual tradition, according to Battalion Chief Jason Blake.
This is the 19th year of the program.
Life savers! A power partnership spanning 19 years and 20,000 smoke alarms donated. Thank you to @PepcoConnect and @Lowes!
This year’s 1000 alarms? Dedicated to the @mcfrs Fire Chief in honor of his upcoming retirement and his commitment to Montgomery County.
— MontgomeryCo(MD)Fire (@mcfrs) April 28, 2023
Chief Goldstein thanks Pete Pederson @PepcoConnect for the annual donation of smoke alarms. Continuing a great partnership that focuses on protecting the community. @mcfrsPIO
— Jason Blake (@mcfrsPIO7) April 28, 2023
A Power Partnership that saves lives!Thank you to @PepcoConnect for the smoke alarms & your longstanding commitment to @MontgomeryCoMD community, region & our partnership to keep residents safe. @mcfrs Fire Chief Goldstein & PEPCO’s Pete Pedersen continue life-saving traditions
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) May 1, 2023