Phased Return to In-Person Learning for MCPS Students Being Discussed

Montgomery County Board of Education tentatively approved Montgomery County Public Schools’ (MCPS) framework for students to return to in-person learning starting in January.

According to an MCPS community update letter, the framework was presented to the Board of Education on November 6. It included the district’s plan for a phased return to in-person learning.

Montgomery County Public Schools officials say a health metrics dashboard has been developed to ensure a safe, phased-in return to in-person instruction. If metrics are met, MCPS officials say students will start to return to in-person learning beginning January 2021. Students in specific special education and Career Technology Education (CTE) programs will be the focus of the initial return. Families will be notified if selected.

Larger groups of students could begin phasing in starting in February 2021. A virtual learning option will be available for families who do not want to return to in-person learning.

According to the MCPS community update, in-person experiences could include a combination of the three following models:

  • In-person support for virtual learning. Students will receive staff support with organization, understanding, and completing virtual coursework.
  • Simultaneous learning. Students will be engaged in classrooms that combine in-person instruction with students engaging remotely.
  • Direct instruction. Students will receive in-person instruction without a remote component for that particular course.

There’s a survey for parents to express if they want their child to remain in a virtual learning environment or engage in a combination of in-person and virtual instruction during the second semester. The Family Preference Survey must be completed by December 3.

MCPS officials say parents will receive more information about their school-specific model in January. Survey responses will be used to develop each community and level-specific model.

Montgomery County Public Schools will be hosting a virtual conversation on Thursday, November 12, at 6:30 p.m. to discuss the framework for students to return to in-person learning. Watch the discussion here. Click here to submit questions in advance.

Click here to watch the November 10 Board of Education discussion. The PowerPoint slides that were presented can be viewed here.

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