Plows Decorated by Middle Schoolers Coming to a Snow-Covered Street Near You

When the first snow falls, keep an eye out for Kaplow. That’s the name newly painted on one of Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s snowplows.

14 Montgomery County Public middle schools competed in the first Paint the Plow contest. Taking top honors were students from John Poole Middle School in Poolesville with their comic theme that prominently featured the word Kaplow. They won $300.

Coming in second and earning $200 was the team from Kingsview Middle School in Germantown. Their theme was melted. Eastern Middle School in Silver Spring came in third. Their Be Transformed art work earned them $100.

The plows and paint were delivered to each school, and the teams had four days to do their best.

Winners were chosen by attendees at the May 21 Truck Day event.

“This fun event is a great way to celebrate National Public Works Week and to recognize the dedication and hard work that our employees do to keep the County’s infrastructure functional and safe,” said County Executive Marc Elrich.” We are pleased to partner with MCPS and to see the creativity and talent from our students and teachers.”

Added McDOT Director Chris Conklin, “This contest was a fun way to involve our local students in Public Works Week and it was fun for everyone to see the creative names and designs they came up with.”

Students at Eastern Middle School, Sligo Middle School, Redland Middle School, Hallie Wells Middle School, Parkland Magnet Middle School, William H. Farquhar Middle School, John Poole Middle School, White Oak Middle School, Kingsview Middle School, Odessa Shannon Middle School, Pyle Middle School, Rosa Parks Middle School, Shady Grove Middle School and Roberto Clemente Middle School participated.

Here are all the entries.

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