As icy conditions continue following the recent snow storm, crews are actively plowing and treating residential roads.
Plows will pass through and treat each residential road at least once by Tuesday night, according to the county’s transportation department. Plows try to make roads passable, but residents will not see the bare pavement due to packed, icy snow and re-freezing.
The county’s snow emergency ends at 10 p.m. Tuesday. Parking fees in county garages resume at 7 a.m. Wednesday. Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will be closed Wednesday for the third day in a row.
Plows will stay active overnight. Crews will be working until all of the more than 5,300 county lane miles are passable.
Rural areas like Damascus and Poolesville experienced snow drift conditions and crews are re-plowing streets as needed. Additional resources will be diverted from other areas to help plow neighborhoods in a timely manner.
Residents must clear sidewalks around their properties within 24 hours after a snowstorm ends, according to the county.
Featured photo courtesy Montgomery County Department of Transportation
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