Police: Crime Decreasing in Downtown Silver Spring

Crime in the Downtown Silver Spring Business District fell by 7.6% during the past year, according to the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD).

There has been a 68% decrease in carjackings, falling from 19 incidents to six in the past year. Robbery fell by 24%, and homicides were reduced by 25% since 2023.

“We’ve worked hard to make this community safer, and the numbers show that we’re making progress,” said 3rd District Commander Jason Cokinos. “But we’re not stopping here. Our officers are out every day, focusing on preventing crime before it happens.”

Council President Kate Stewart, whose district includes the downtown area, said, “I’m glad to see those numbers. I think it reflects a great deal of work and collaboration on the part of the police department, county government, the business community, the chamber of commerce, our office and residents.”

She also attributed the drop in crime to a law she introduced and pushed for that mandated earlier closing times for late night establishments.

“We want them to enjoy themselves in Silver Spring, but we want them to get home safely,” she said of those who frequent businesses in the area.

The Greater Silver Spring Chamber of Commerce also is “pleased with these numbers and the positive impact” taken place between the police, Silver Spring Regional Services, the Urban District, District 4 County Councilmember Kate Stewart’s office and the business community through the Silver Spring Safety Alliance.

“These collaborative efforts open lines of communication, and willingness to think outside of the box and use various strategies, like the Drone as First Responder program, to name just one, have made a visible impact in downtown Silver Spring and as a result our community is safer,” according to a statement by the Chamber.

Police officers have driven down crime, got illegal guns off the streets, curtailed retail theft and reduce thefts from car break ins, according to the Chamber’s statement.

Police personnel attributed the drop in crime to increased patrols, more community engagement initiatives and “proactive policing strategies and crime prevention programs.”

Some of those programs include Drone as a First Responder, Police-Private Security Camera Incentives and the Real Time Intelligence Center.

“A big challenge we face is that most of the crime in this area is committed by people who don’t live in Montgomery County,” Cokinos said in a news release. “That’s why we’re being proactive, using every tool we have to deter crime and hold offenders accountable. We appreciate the support from our residents and encourage everyone to stay aware and continue reporting suspicious activity. It makes a difference.”

MCPD has not yet released its 2024 Annual Report on Crime and Safety.

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