Police Say 19-Year-Old Was Running Pseudo Chop-Shop From Rockville Home

Photo via Montgomery County Police Department.

Police said a teen who was running a pseudo chop-shop out of his Rockville home was arrested and charged with car theft-related offenses.

Bill Gomez, 19, was released on a $5,000 unsecured personal bond, according to the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD). Police said the offenses occurred over several months in Rockville and Baltimore.

Detectives developed Gomez as a suspect as they investigated a rise in Infiniti G37 models being stolen in Montgomery County, according to MCPD.

According to police, Gomez was running a pseudo chop-shop out of his home in the 800 block of Westmore Ave. He also got Vehicle Identification Numbers from wrecked and salvaged vehicles, and put them on stolen cars to hide that they were stolen.

A chop-shop is a place that dismantles stolen vehicles so parts can be sold or used.

Detectives arrested Gomez one week ago on Sept. 6, according to police. He was driving a stolen Infiniti at the time.

He was charged and released on bond, police said.

Police stated that a search warrant executed at Gomez’s residence last Thursday revealed an additional stolen vehicle and evidence connecting him to the thefts.

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