UPDATE: Missing Germantown Teen Found Safe and Unharmed

Justice Navarro | MCPD

Update Feb. 24: Police say Justice Navarro has been located safe and unharmed.

Original: Montgomery County police are asking the public for help to locate a missing 14-year-old Germantown girl.

Justice Navarro was last seen near the 11000 block of Brundidge Terrace on the afternoon of Feb. 13.

Navarro is described as 5 feet 1 inch tall and weighing 110 pounds. She has brown eyes and black hair that has been died blue. She also has a birthmark on her right cheek.

Police and family are concerned about Navarro’s well-being, but no foul play is suspected.

Anyone who has information regarding her whereabouts is asked to call the Montgomery County Police Special Victims Division at 240-773-5400 or the police 24-hour non-emergency number at 301-279-8000.

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