Police Target Commercial Vehicles for Impaired Drivers

On Thursday, the Montgomery County Police Department (MCPD) targeted impaired commercial vehicle drivers during a day long program in cooperation with several specialized units of the Maryland Highway Safety Office (MHSO).

With guidance from the MHSO experts, MCPD made 27 inspections and issued 98 violations.

The program was part of a grant from MHSO to help local police departments identify problem commercial drivers. Safety becomes a factor when commercial vehicles are involved in accidents, since the results are often more consequential due to their size and weight.

MHSO personnel on the operation included the Commercial Vehicle Unit, the Alcohol Initiatives Unit and officers certified as Drug Recognition Experts (DRE). Their goal: to ensure improved road safety.

The operation was part of a pilot program which may become a recurring campaign depending on its results and effectiveness.

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